Friday, December 13, 2013


In Ms. Gadush blog post she mentions the necessity it is to start including evolution in Texas textbooks. I completely agree with this motion. As a person who grew up in a catholic home I have seen firsthand how parents react to even the mention of evolution. I understand that many parents do not want to expose their children to a fact that might change their kids ideas of who is God and what might happen if they don’t belive in him.
Ms. Gadush had excellent points made. One of my favorite quote she said was “evolution is an established factual phenomena, that is a necessary factor in understanding the natural world and should be taught in schools” this quote basically sums it up. Evolution is a something new and scary, but is a necessity since our science is moving forward we have to move forward with it and open our minds to new concepts. Our parents and their parents were taught that there is a God and if you don’t believe in this God than you are not going into what they call a better place. Texans take many cautions to prevent eternal damnation for their children. Jennifer point of view was pretty specific. I wish that she would’ve included some point of view from the religious perspective.

                To have evolution being part of our textbooks will be a challenge, but it is a challenge that people who have strong believes can overcome. I am starting to open myself up to evolution. I have had questions all of my life and evolution is answering a lot of them maybe evolution can help others understand who they are.  

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