Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Teachers in Gun and Defense Training

On Tuesday October 8th the San Antonio Express News released a commentary titled “Should dealing with shootersbe part of teacher-training?” This article explores the idea of teachers getting some sort of training against shooters or threats.  The author Esther J. Cepeda mentions that some schools are starting to implement the idea of using self defense with articles around the classrooms like fire extinguishers and how to use a gun.  Cepeda seems very inclined towards the training. Her opinion was expressed at the very end of the article, but it seemed randomly stated. The way she expressed the article was more sentimentally motivated than factual. I do agree with teachers being trained for such an occasion but to the point on actually showing a teacher how to shoot a gun is something a bit more dramatic.
                The way this commentary was setup felt like I was reading a timeline of all the horrible school massacres that had happened.  I understand that school massacres are the reason why teachers should be trained, but Cepeda didn't have enough information about the statics. She did say that 84% of the shootings during the years 2000 to 2010 were involving schools. This didn't seem like enough back up information to motivate other who are really opposed this idea. Texans are easily motivated when it come to protecting and more so if it involves guns. Cepeda sentimental string pulling will affect Texans and really anyone who has feelings. She didn't really have to do a lot of digging to lean people the way she wanted.

                In the way she puts things I completely and utterly support this cause. I want people to be safe especially in schools where innocent children are. If I ever do have children I like any other Texan I want to be assured that my children and others are safe and they aren't in any kind of danger, but on the other hand I don’t want my child or any other children to have access to some sort of weapon. Even if Cepeda just pulled at peoples heart strings it seem that it is enough to get peoples support. 

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