Monday, November 18, 2013

Capital Punishment and Medical Insurance

Capital Punishment and Medical Insurance are one of the biggest issues in Texas. The article my classmate Jennifer Gadush published is hitting every point. The way Texas is handling capital punishment is a true disappointment. Most of the people being affected are those who are poor and with many mental issues. Although I sometimes feel the way many Texans do. They want to people to pay for their crimes. Criminals should be punished for disobeying the law and if that means they have killed or done any horrendous action amongst any others then they deserve nothing less than capital punishment. Texas could be a little more thorough with their crimes inspections by making sure that there isn’t any mistake like that of Michael Morton.  In Jennifer’s article I would have loved to have seen more statistics on how capital punishment is hurting the poor and those with mental issues, and for more dramatic effect the amount of wrongful deaths made by Texas capital punishment.

            Medical insurance isn’t the best either. I’ve been trying to find the best fitted insurance and Texas doesn’t really provide you with any that are very beneficial. I completely agree with my classmate in this matter. Texas needs to find a way to provide insurance to those who are less fortunate. I know there is a big ordeal behind healthcare but in reality they just need to somehow get the ball rolling. There are many Texans without medical insurance who are sick and are too scared to go to a hospital because of the bills they would have to pay. 

Monday, November 4, 2013

One State, One Choice, Every Woman

Women rights were not easy to get. When women were given the right to actually be considered human beings they were given the right to vote and the right to work the way men did. Although women till this day are not treated as equal in the work place by not earning the same as a man does even though we do the same job or not being able to get to a higher position because we are considered to be weaklings.  Women are not given the same respect that men are given. As any other human being has control over their own body you would think women have the same right especially living in the country of freedom. Here in Texas Rick Perry thinks otherwise. He believes that he has some sort of hold over women’s wombs and he should decide what should be done with the children they bear even in the worst of conditions. Rick Perry has no idea what it is to be a women and he never will. He would never have to deal with dire consequences.

                While Mr. Perry decided to take it upon him to ban abortion. The Texas government should have fought against this bill. They should have not supported a bill so unfriendly to women rights. When it comes down to it when Rick Perry signed the abortion bill he took away the power over every woman in Texas. It was as if we turned time and we let men choose for us again. We stood up for many years just too basically end up back where we started. We as women should have stood up once more and let our voices be heard and say that the Texas abortion bill was not helping us in anyway. It might have helped the morale of many humans who thought that abortion is the damnation of all but during that process many women were hurt by the bill.  Abortion should have never been the choice of a man but of a woman. It is a woman who chooses over her body not the government and definitely not a man.